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Keresendő kulcsszó abstract

Összesen 40 találat.

2. oldal / 2
As an administrator of several Facebook pages, including Series Visual Learning, my impression is that the most popular, most liked and most shared posts are the ones which integrate text with visual content, ...
Slam poetry is a kind of performance-poetry competition; a verbal contest with relatively few formal restrictions, voiced in the language of the street but in a sophisticated way. The increasingly popular ...
23. CfP VLL4
We are in the process of organizing the next Budapest conference on Visual Learning. This is the second call for abstracts: VISUAL LEARNING: EMOTION – EXPRESSION – EXPLANATION Conference ...
In this paper I am going to introduce and describe the basic hypotheses of memetics by the socio-biologist Dawkins and its altered version developed and/or modified by the philosopher Dennett. I am also ...
...    Az előadás magyarul lesz.   De az absztrakt angol:   Kristóf Nyíri: The Visual and the Motor Abstract The world as we see it, so cognitive science tells us, is a construct of the brain, ...
26. VL 1 preface
... theorist Mark Johnson, add to the change? Merleau- Ponty figures in the next chapter, too, written by John Mullarkey, as does, also, Heidegger – the latter’s most abstract concepts actually as possible, ...
... of abstracts (max. 200 words) and short biographical statements (max. 100 words) by Aug. 1, 2012. Please send your submissions simultaneously to Prof. Andras Benedek (Head, Department of Technical Education) ...
The presentation brings examples of the connections between image and text from three different aspects (the priority of images over words; images – in themselves – are not unambiguous; images and words ...
29. Image and self-representation (abstract)
(Cikkek/Abstracts (angol))
  Social networking websites are not only used for finding friends, passing the time, playing or, in general, maintaining interpersonal communication but personal profiles also serve as “private ...
The author introduces in this paper a new concept: the digilect (the language use in the electronic-digital media), and shows how the digilect influences other language variants, in particular the (almost) ...
31. Digilect in the system of lects (abstract)
(Cikkek/Abstracts (angol))
  This paper aims to introduce a new language variety and a new term: digilect. Digilect is the lect of different text genres in digital communication. The author presents the newly introduced language ...
... abstract] Balázs Géza – Bódi Zoltán szerk. 2005: Az internetkorszak kommunikációja. Budapest: Gondolat. Balázs Géza 1999: Kommunikációs létformák és átcsapások. Nyelvi-szemiotikai megjegyzések az ezredvégen. ...
... – ma – Magyarországon. Budapest: Eötvös Kiadó. Schellekens, Gaby A. C.; Peeter W. J. Verlegh; Ale Smidts 2010: Language Abstraction in Word of Mouth. In: Journal of Consumer Research: August 2010. Preprint: ...
34. Grammaticalization (abstract)
(Cikkek/Abstracts (angol))
The paper describes the phenomenon of grammaticalization based on a case study from the Hungarian language. The Hungarian discourse marker asszem evolved from the main clause azt hiszem ’I think’ through ...
35. Visualisation (abstract)
(Cikkek/Abstracts (angol))
Visualisation in creative text production exercises [Vizuális megoldások a kreatív szövegalkotási gyakorlatokban.] In: Anyanyelv-pedagógia, 2008/1. The paper investigates how the use of the computer ...
36. Resumptive structures (abstract)
(Cikkek/Abstracts (angol))
Resumptive structures: a spoken-language feature in chatroom texts [Egy beszélt nyelvi jellemző, a témaismétlő névmás csevegésszövegekben]. In: Magyar Nyelvőr, 2008/2, 132: 235–244. This paper describes ...
37. Spatial constructions (abstract)
(Cikkek/Abstracts (angol))
Spatial constructions: paraphrases of geographical names examined in the framework of cognitive linguistics. [Térkonstrukciók. Földrajzi nevek parafrázisai kognitív keretben.] In: Névtani Értesítő 30. ...
38. Abstracts in English
... Tinta Könyvkiadó. 203–217. (in Hungarian) [abstract] Information visualization and linguistics – on infographics [Információvizualizálás és nyelvészet – az infografikák példáján.] In: Havas Ferenc − ...
39. Publikációk
... Nóra (szerk.): Tudománykommunikáció konferencia. Absztraktkötet. Budapest: BCE MKI. 2016 Visual Learning: Virtual – Visual – Veridical. 7th Visual Learning Conference. Abstracts. Képi Tanulás ...
40. Abstracts (angol)
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